Specialized Extrusions for Industry: V-Slot and T-Slot Extrusions

specialized extrusions for industryMost aluminum extrusions can be done with a number of stock or standard profiles, but when it comes to making unique aluminum products, there is almost no limit to the number of custom profiles that can be made. V-slot and t-slot extrusions are two ways that producers take advantage of the good qualities of custom aluminum extrusion. Our one-stop manufacturing center can make these specialized extrusions for you to use in putting together structural frames and finished products. The length of the part and the needs of the project will determine how they are made.

Design Custom Aluminum Goods

Pressing the aluminum metal through a steel profile or die to make a certain shape is how an extrusion is made. The metal comes out in a long, thin stripe that looks like a pasta noodle. It can be cut to any size the customer wants. The metal is heated to make it easier to shape, and then 10 million pounds of pressure are used to push it through the shape. Then, a secret process is used to cool it down and make the material even stronger so it meets the client’s needs. Each order is made by a team of engineers and workers who are highly trained, intelligent, and experienced. They make custom aluminum goods that are made to fit a particular need.

Among the many benefits of extruding aluminum is that the process itself makes the metal harder and more valuable than it was before it was forged and made. Aluminum alloy is stronger and lighter than other metals that are often used for building structures. Because it needs less material, the end product is cheaper. You can make solid or hollow forms and unique aluminum extrusion designs to fit the needs of your product development team. You can buy extrusions in forms that are already made. But for many companies, they are even more useful when they are made in specific shapes for metal industry needs.

What Are V-Slot or T-Slot Extrusions?

Instead of welding or other methods of joining, extrusion can also be a good way to put together unique metal products with only basic tools. In this way, the v-slot and t-slot forms are the two main designs that are used. The main difference between them isn’t very complicated, but it can change how they are used in big ways. It’s sometimes spelled as T-slot. The t-slot has a gap on each side that looks like the letter “T.” This is similar to the v-slot, which is also written as V-slot. The edge is slightly beveled, though. In many cases, the two can be used instead of each other. However, you should look at your project to see which metal industry options will give you the best results.

There are some things you should know about the v-slot and t-slot profiles. Straps and T-nuts can be used on either shape. Some parts, like odd joints or bearings, won’t usually work on both. If you mix and match v-slots and t-slots, you might have design problems. The v-slot can be used as a straight rail, which lets wheels or bearings fit inside the shape and help control motion.

Standard and Custom Profiles at Silver City Aluminum

Many one-stop fabrication shops consider the basic v-slot profile to be a standard or stock profile. However, these forms can be changed to fit specific metal projects and products. When it comes to the smallest and biggest profiles, different lengths and sizes may or may not be normal extrusion choices. There are different ways to cut the shapes based on your needs. At reputable companies like Silver City Aluminum, deburring is a normal extra step that is done to all machined or manufactured parts as part of the process. So, even if you start with a normal profile for your aluminum industry options, you can always change it to fit your needs.

Silver City metal works with people in almost every field to make a wide range of standard and custom metal goods. We can better control the quality of every order we fill because we have a one-stop shop for manufacturing. Our team of highly trained and experienced engineers, designers, and techs can help you reach your goals. They can do everything from planning and engineering your custom aluminum extrusion profile to making changes with secondary operations and finishing options to make the end result exactly what you want. In order to talk about your wants or place an order, please call us at 508-824-8631.