Extra Protection Against Rust and Corrosion: Custom Finishing

extra corrosion protection for aluminum profilesWhat you want to achieve with the project is important when looking for the best way to finish extruded metal goods, parts, and pieces. Some types of finishing give extra protection against rust and other damage that can happen during use, while others can add structure and make something look better. In the aluminum extrusion business, painting, powder coating, and anodizing metal are some of the most popular choices. Depending on your needs, the next step can be added after you make a design and cut aluminum alloys into the shape and size you need. All of Silver City Aluminum’s post-extrusion work, like extra processes and finishing, is done in-house. Every step of the production process is closely watched and inspected by us, and we’re proud of the quality control we can offer each client.

Custom Metal Extrusion and Coating

For different types of mediums, the process used to make custom metal extrusion can be different. Applying paint in the form of a powder to an item that has been charged with electricity is called powder painting. Powder painting doesn’t need any chemicals, but the surface of each extrusion needs to be properly prepared so that the paint sticks. We work with a number of different powder coaters and anodizers at Silver City, which lets us give each customer a unique finish. The wait time for this process will depend on the item being finished and the types of powder coaters and anodizers that are used.

A pre-treatment method is used to get metal ready for powder coating and anodizing, which is similar to how other types of finishing solutions are prepared. To make sure the glue sticks well, all the dust, grease, and other bits are taken away. So, the powder covering doesn’t flake or come off of the finished item. After that, an electrostatic spray gun is used to put the powder on. The powder covering material sticks to the custom metal extrusion that is electrically grounded because of the positive charge that is used. After the powder is put on, the extrusions are cooked in a special oven that cures them. The pieces are then baked until the coating melts evenly. After the extrusions are made, they are cooled so that the finish can be made smooth and hard as needed.

Extra Protection Against Rust

Powder finishing is what some of our customers want, while painting is what others want. After the client makes a profile and tells us to extrude aluminum alloys into the shape and size they want, both ways are often used in the aluminum extrusion business. Powder-coating and anodizing metal give the customer a lot of choices for beautiful colors that can be used to make the product look better when it’s finished. Many people think this choice is better for the earth than liquid paint because it doesn’t use a solvent. The thick layer sticks to the metal to protect it even more, and when it’s done by a professional, it makes a tough surface that won’t chip or peel off easily.

Powder-coating is seen as better for the environment than liquid paint and other finishing choices by many. This is because the environment is not hurt while the product is being spread. Some people think that the chemicals, which are called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), are dangerous. For clients who are trying to get LEED Certification or another type of environmentally-friendly certificate or award for their project, using a finishing solution that doesn’t have any VOCs or other solvents can help lower the damage even more. Another way that the powder saves materials is that it can be gathered and used again if any of it is put on too much during the finishing process.

Coating options for the Aluminum Extrusion Business

If powder finishing doesn’t sound like the right choice, Silver City Aluminum also offers anodizing and liquid paint. One of our paint lines is always running because it’s so popular with customers in so many fields. Anodizing gives things a high-quality look and feel, and you can do it in a lot of different colors. A lot of our clients choose clear and black anodizing, but they also often choose multi-color and custom anodizing styles. We use a vertical electric polycron line that can handle parts and pieces that are up to twenty-one feet long because we take our painting services very seriously. Before we put the custom metal extrusion parts through the polycron line to paint them, we use a four-step pre-wash method to make sure they stick well.

For help, call 508-824-8631 and ask to speak with a worker at Silver City Aluminum. We can answer any questions you have about standard and special aluminum casting, as well as the different ways we can paint, powder coat, and anodize aluminum.