Affordable Custom Aluminum Extrusions for the Construction Industry

aluminum for construction industryWhen used in the construction industry, extrusion solutions have a lot of benefits. But in the end, the biggest benefits for the business are the lower cost of aluminum and the fact that it is exceptionally strong. In modern building and design, people also really like the way that traditional aluminum frames look when they are used for doors, windows, and other accents and parts that go with glass surfaces. With a custom aluminum extrusions, you can make forms that are both unique and complicated, which can help the end product. It’s amazing how much the aluminum extrusion business has grown in recent years, as more businesses have come to understand that it can be used to make complex patterns at lower costs.

The Lower Cost of Aluminum

The aluminum that is easiest to find is also the aluminum that is repurposed the most. That means that supplies for the aluminum extrusion business are very cheap and easy to find. A lot of people who are trying to get LEED approval for building homes or businesses also like this aluminum because of these qualities. Custom aluminum extrusion providers are working extra hours to meet the high demand for many important building supplies. Silver City Aluminum buys aluminum billet from a number of different sources. This type of aluminum is made from 99.9 percent recycled aluminum. To cut down on loss and scrap even more, we cut each piece ahead of time based on the length and weight of the client profile.

Also, the process of cutting the aluminum into unique shapes is very cheap. To make the aluminum easier to shape, it is heated to a certain temperature. Then, it is pushed through a shaped pattern under a lot of pressure. At Silver City Aluminum, our engineers and technicians are always keeping an eye on the whole process of making extrusion solutions for clients in the construction industry to make sure the highest quality. Each and every part of our molding method is the best there is. Every piece of gear works with everything else and is fully automatic. The PLC control technology our team uses lets our machines talk to each other so we can see how they’re working, the speed, the extruder recipe, and all the other factors that affect quality control.

Extrusion Solutions for the Construction Industry

There are a lot of different ways that extrusion solutions can be used in the construction industry. Each piece can be made in a number of different ways. Based on the needs of each project, the aluminum extrusion business can make parts, components, and whole goods. There are many benefits to using custom aluminum extrusionss for building. They are lighter than steel but just as strong. Most of the time, traditional aluminum frames are used for windows, doors, shelves, and other things. Paneling that is easy to move and guide bars are also very important for building structures, sheds, trucks, and even furniture.

Another use for aluminum is in the frame of the inside of a building, even on very large projects. A unique aluminum extrusion is used to make elevator shafts, stairwells, lighting fixtures, and other important parts. Architects and planners can use integrated extruded aluminum to help them reach their goals in almost every part of building construction, such as the plumbing, industrial, utility, and even artistic and aesthetically pleasing parts. The fact that materials used in aluminum extrusion can be reused and recycled also appeals to many forward-thinking makers, contractors, and engineers who care about the environment.

Custom Aluminum Extrusions

Silver City Aluminum has been working in the construction industry for a long time and has become pretty good at designing, developing, and making doors and windows. Standard aluminum frames can be made to fit particular needs, making eco-friendly options that meet the highest standards. We can make sure quality control better than any other custom aluminum extruders in the area because we handle the whole process, from start to finish, including delivering our finished goods. For the best results, we promise to give a top-notch product that doesn’t have any scratches, dents, or other problems.

In the construction industry, you can count on Silver City Aluminum to provide high-quality extrusion solutions for everything from frames and supports to paneling, thermal filling, and de-bridging. Get a FREE quote for your next job from our team of highly skilled and trained engineers and techs. We can help you make profiles that are special and will help you reach your goals. Need to get in touch with our team? Give us a call at 508-824-8631 or fill out our online form.