Aluminum Extrusion Design: Create Your Own Custom Products

aluminum extrusion designWorking with an established manufacturer that can guide you through the full process and offer engineering design and assistance is the ideal method to develop custom aluminum extrusions. For the greatest results, Silver City Aluminum works closely with each client to ensure that the custom extrusion dies we design for them fulfill all of their specific requirements. Our experts can help you create aluminum extrusion solutions that will meet or surpass your expectations, even if you have never had to develop unique profiles. In order to produce custom aluminum extrusions that fulfill your demands, you may benefit from our wide range of customers and services that are created to adhere to the tight standards and needs of almost every sector.

Standard and Custom Extrusion Dies

We will be better able to guarantee that all of your criteria are satisfied the earlier we can get engaged in the design process of your part, product, or component. Almost any form that fits inside a circle with a diameter of seven inches may be produced by Silver City Aluminum. The aluminum billet that we utilize to make custom aluminum extrusions is the cause of this size restriction. Also, we provide a wide range of speciality services, such as assistance with creating screw holes, telescoping profiles, heli-coining, and other answers for certain industrial demands. You may get the assistance you need to design the custom extrusion dies you need to support your project from our team of highly skilled and experienced engineers and technicians.

Throughout the years, we have worked on a variety of projects, such as collars for the automobile sector, heat sinks for holding tanks used in liquid-to-gas conversion, and even snow-making applications. We initially extrude the metal into lengthy lengths for the vehicle collars, after which we cut it into smaller pieces. Then, opposing collars are made using the smaller parts. This method has assisted us in drastically lowering the entire cost of these aluminum extrusion solutions, making them even more affordable for our customers while assuring a reliable and long-lasting substitute for more expensive steel. One of our specializations is liquid nitrogen-to-gas exchange cold sinks. Several of these tanks may be found nearby in parking lots for hospitals, businesses, and even governmental structures.

Custom Aluminum Products

We prefer and will give 2D and 3D files in a few particular formats, whether you submit your ideas for custom aluminum extrusions directly to Silver City Aluminum or if you collaborate with our staff to create custom profiles. AutoCAD files, one of the most widely used programs for this kind of industrial design, can be supplied in either.dxf or.dwg format. The files come in.stp or.iges format for individuals who wish to work with 3D files using applications like Solidworks and Inventor. If you don’t have any CAD software, we can provide Adobe.pdf files for you that contain your aluminum extrusion solutions. Additionally,.pdf files with the measurements needed to redraft the form in AutoCAD are acceptable.

To assist them in designing custom extrusion dies that will meet or surpass their objectives, we provide our customers a wealth of intimate knowledge from the industry. While some of these techniques may be brand-new ones that have been created over time to get the necessary results, others may be ones that we have learned from our many years of experience with custom aluminum extrusion. While building unique profiles, it is undoubtedly important to keep the surface finish in mind at all times. In order for us to give the exposed surfaces additional attention during extrusion and handling after extrusion, if you are creating a design for us that we may utilize to build your custom dies, be sure to specify them.

Aluminum Extrusion Design

Call our staff at 508-824-8631 if you’re interested in learning more about how to create custom profiles or how to employ aluminum extrusion solutions for your company. We are based in Taunton, Massachusetts, and serve clients all across New England, North America, and the world with high-quality custom aluminum extrusions and trustworthy standard extrusions. Contact us right away to discuss your specific needs and specifications for custom extrusion dies with one of our expert engineers.