Choosing the Best Aluminum Extrusion Solutions for Industry

aluminum extrusions industryWhen searching for the best material to use for producing a part, product, or component, it is essential to learn all you can about the inherent qualities and advantages before making a final decision. Aluminum extrusion profiles offer a wide range of industries with many unique advantages compared to similar metals and materials. Both custom and standard aluminum extrusions have benefits, including low-cost, quick production, and a natural resistance to corrosion. Durable, strong, lightweight, and environmentally friendly, there are many reasons why so many manufacturers are choosing to work with aluminum extrusion profiles today. At Silver City Aluminum, we offer a wide range of high-quality extrusion solutions for industry and perform all aluminum extrusion and fabrication, secondary operations, and finishing right here at our Southeastern Massachusetts facility.

A Cost-Effective Manufacturing Material

Most businesses have to choose between strong, durable materials and something that works within their budget. When it comes to aluminum extrusion profiles, you no longer have to pick one quality over another โ€“ you get it all. While there are some additional costs upfront for the design and manufacture of custom extrusion dies, it can pay off significantly in reduced secondary operations, such as welding and joining, and can even streamline production, improving lead times. Standard aluminum extrusions come in a wide range of stock shapes, including bars, tubes, and angles, either solid or hollow, depending on the needs of the customer. The cost of aluminum compared to other metals with similar qualities, including steel and copper, is significantly lower, providing your business with lower overhead costs for manufacturing.

Aluminum is one of the most plentiful materials on the planet and is also the most recycled metal in existence. Another advantage of this marvelous metal is that it can be recycled over and over again without ever losing any of its inherent qualities. All of the high strength-to-weight ratio advantages, natural resistance to corrosion, and excellent conductor of heat and electricity remain in the aluminum material, no matter how many times it gets recycled and used to make custom and standard aluminum extrusions. At Silver City Aluminum, we purchase our aluminum billet from several providers and use materials that are 99.9 percent recyclable. Make sure to ask about the different aluminum alloys that we use in the production of extrusion solutions for industry to learn more about the unique advantages of each option and how it could benefit your parts, products, or components.

Custom Design Support โ€“ Every Step of the Way

We take pride in our ability to get involved with every order we process from the initial development phase. Our many years of experience providing quality aluminum extrusion solutions for industry have taught us that the sooner we are able to work with the client, the better the end results. Both custom and standard aluminum extrusions have a lot in common when it comes to the actual manufacture of the parts. Our team of highly trained and experienced engineers, designers, and technicians provide comprehensive support and attention to detail every step of the way. We provide multi-point inspections, removing each piece by hand to ensure customer satisfaction from the initial design to extrusion, secondary operations, finishing, and shipping.

Our goal is to create aluminum extrusion profiles that meet or exceed expectations. We are dedicated to producing the best possible parts, products, and components for our customers that even exceed the industry standard. We are incredibly proud of our lead times โ€“ they are the best in the business! The industry average for custom aluminum extrusions for industry is 30-45 days from the date the order is placed until the items are delivered to the customer. Our standard lead time is three to four weeks maximum, and we even have the ability to do special orders in an emergency situation, producing orders and delivering them within three days to a week. Our team of professional employees have been trained to create parts for our customers that will help them to achieve their goals. If you would like to learn more about our custom and standard aluminum extrusions, as well as our special custom finishing solutions, give us a call at 508-824-8631. We can answer any questions you might have and help you to create the best aluminum extrusion solutions for industry.