How to Design Custom Profiles for Aluminum Extrusion Solutions

The best way to create custom aluminum extrusions is to partner with an experienced manufacturer that can walk you through the entire process and provide engineering design and support. Silver City Aluminum works with each client to ensure that the custom extrusion dies we create for them meet all of their unique specifications and criteria for best results. Even if you have never had to design custom profiles before, our team can assist you in the creation of aluminum extrusion solutions that will meet or exceed your expectations. Our diverse array of clients and services designed to meet the strict regulations and requirements of practically every industry can work in your favor to create custom aluminum extrusions according to your specifications.

Tips for Better Design

The earlier we can get involved in the design phase of your part, product, or component, the better equipped we will be to ensure that all of your requirements are met. Silver City Aluminum can create almost any shape that is within a seven-inch diameter circle size. The reason for this size limit is due to the aluminum billet that we use to create custom aluminum extrusions. We offer a wide range of specialty services as well, including support for designing screw slots, telescoping profiles, heli-coining, and specific solutions for unique industry needs. Our team of highly trained and experienced engineers and technicians can help you create the custom extrusion dies you need to support your project.

Some of the things that we have worked on over the years include collars for the automotive industry, heat sinks for liquid-to-gas conversion holding tanks, and even snow-making applications. For the automotive collars, we extrude the aluminum first into long lengths and then cut it into smaller pieces. The smaller pieces are then used to fabricate opposite collars. This approach has helped us to significantly reduce costs overall for these aluminum extrusion solutions, making them even more cost-effective for our clients while ensuring an effective and durable alternative to more costly steel. Our liquid nitrogen-to-gas exchange cold sinks are also one of our specialties. You might see some of these tanks locally in hospital parking lots, commercial buildings, and even municipal buildings and locations.

Preferred File Types

Whether you submit your designs for custom aluminum extrusions directly to Silver City Aluminum or if you work to design custom profiles with our team, we prefer and will provide 2D and 3D files in a few specific formats. Files created with AutoCAD, which is one of the most popular types of software for this type of industrial design, can be provided in either .dxf or .dwg format. For those who want to work with 3D files using programs like Solidworks and Inventor, the files are provided in .stp or .iges format. If you do not have any CAD software, we can prepare files for you of your aluminum extrusion solutions using Adobe .pdf files. We can also accept .pdf files that have the necessary dimensions required to redraw the shape in AutoCAD.

We provide our customers with many industry insider tips to help them create custom extrusion dies that will meet or exceed their expectations. Some of these methods have come to us through our many years of work with custom aluminum extrusion, while others may be new techniques that have been developed over time to create the desired result. Designing with the surface finish in mind is definitely something that should always be considered when creating custom profiles. If you are drawing a design for us that you want us to use to create your custom dies, make sure to indicate the exposed surfaces so we can give them special attention to protect the finish during extrusion and post-extrusion handling.

Get a FREE Estimate

If you are interested in learning more about how to design custom profiles or how to use aluminum extrusion solutions for your business, contact our team directly at 508-824-8631. Located in Taunton, Massachusetts, we provide quality custom aluminum extrusions and dependable standard extrusions to customers throughout New England, North America, and around the globe. Call today to speak with one of our experienced engineers to discuss your unique needs and requirements for custom extrusion dies.