Advantages of Using Aluminum: Standard and Custom Profiles

custom aluminum profilesThere are many reasons to choose aluminum as the primary material in your manufacturing project. Quality aluminum fabrication shops create a very diverse range of products, parts, and components, serving just about every industry in existence. The advantages of using aluminum make it very attractive to designers, as well as to structural engineers. It is the inherent qualities of this exciting metal that make it so sought after, whether your needs are for standard profiles like rod and bar aluminum or custom solutions. In addition to engineering, shaping, and producing quality items, our one-stop-shop fabrication facility offers many distinct services, including custom aluminum coating solutions, assembly, and secondary operations designed to streamline the completion of any project and help our customers take advantage of cost-effective opportunities.

Structural Aluminum Design

Our engineers work closely with each client to ensure that they are taking advantage of all the benefits associated with aluminum as a material. While we specialize in custom profile designs, we also excel when it comes to the production of standard shapes and dies. Choose from a wide range of popular profiles, including rod and bar aluminum, to help take your manufacturing project to the next level. Aluminum is very cost-effective, friendly to the environment, naturally resistant to corrosion, and has an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio. The automotive industry is just one example of how aluminum is being used to create popular consumer products at only one-third the weight of steel to help improve fuel economy and safety.

Structural applications of custom aluminum extrusion are more cost-effective than any attempts to adapt standard shapes to suit your needs. The initial investment into the design and development of the custom profile will ultimately pay off over time through the time and money saved from having to perform secondary operations and other additional manipulations of the standard piece. This manufacturing investment will provide longtime use, allowing our clients to create more intricate and precise shapes to best suit their needs. Aluminum as a material is extremely popular and beneficial, offering the ability to create parts, products, and components in a variety of shapes and sizes for long-lasting, durable solutions to meet their industry demands.

How Aluminum Resists Corrosion

One of the fascinating aspects of aluminum and the alloys used to create our standard and custom aluminum extrusion is that it is naturally resistant to corrosion. While we do offer custom aluminum coating solutions, including painting, powder-coating, and anodizing, to enhance this protection, even without these options, aluminum resists rust and other types of corrosion. A natural surface oxide layer prevents corrosion to increase the durability and long-lasting abilities of aluminum – even in extreme environments. This makes it the perfect choice for use in situations where steel and other similar metals might not be the best option.

Aluminum also has another unique ability that helps to increase its strength. When steel is in very cold environments, it becomes brittle, which makes it more likely to crack, break down, and fail. Aluminum is different in that it becomes stronger when the temperature drops, which means that it is a much better choice for extreme temperature ranges where thermal adaptability is essential. Other advantages of using aluminum include electrical and thermal conductivity, robust structural integrity, and the ability to alloy with a variety of metals to increase strength, durability, and other essential qualities. Extruded aluminum products are incredibly versatile, which makes them perfect for consumer, commercial, and industrial applications.

Custom Aluminum Coating Solutions

Our team works directly with each client to ensure that we choose the best finishing options for standard rod and bar aluminum profiles and custom die shapes. We have an unlimited array of color options, textures, and styles that can be used to enhance your finished product. While some choices are more aesthetic, others are all about function. Textures can be used to improve the way that the product, part or component is used while improving the natural protection of the metal itself. At Silver City Aluminum, our paint line runs almost non-stop. Like all of the other services we provide, we go above and beyond the industry standard to provide our clients with the best-possible custom aluminum coating solutions available. Our four-stage pre-wash system includes an etch, a clean wash, a neutralizing wash, and then the industry standard pre-wash to help guarantee excellent adhesion for long-lasting results.

We work with several different powder coaters and anodizers to provide a top-quality aesthetic look and durable finish that will increase the qualities of the finished product. To learn more about our painting, powder-coating, and anodizing, as well as all of the other services available at our one-stop aluminum fabrication shops, contact our team of engineers and designers. You can reach Silver City Aluminum by calling 508-824-8631. We can answer any questions you might have about the advantages of using aluminum and help you create solutions that will help you to achieve your goals.