Custom Advantages of Using One Stop Aluminum Fabrication Shops

aluminum fabrication and secondary operationsThe aluminum extrusion industry has made many advancements in the technology, state-of-the-art equipment, and methods used for manufacturing. At Silver City Aluminum, we have the ability to provide our clients with custom extrusion dies, engineer innovative industry solutions, and provide a one stop opportunity to create cost-effective, top-quality parts, products, and components at our Southeastern Massachusetts facility. Our on-site aluminum fabrication shops and technicians have the unique ability to fabricate just about any part or design that our clients require. We hold ourselves to standards that far exceed any industry requirements. It is our mission to provide each customer with finished products that meet or exceed their expectations.

Why Fabrication is Important

While many customers use our custom aluminum extrusions as a means of reducing the amount of additional fabrication and work that needs to be done to create a completed product, others further enhance their parts with fabrication services. These services can include cutting, punching, machining, bending, and welding. Even the most simple shape can be customized through the use of our on-site aluminum fabrication shops and services. Structural angles, channels, H-beams, I-beams, tees, zees, pipe, tube, rod, bar, and even hex products can all be customized according to the specifications of the client.

  • CNC Fabrication for Long Parts – At Silver City Aluminum we can fabricate extrusions up to 30-feet in length in our high-speed Emmegi CNC machines. Our state-of-the-art machinery features 4+1 controlled access, which allows the spindle to be continuously controlled in the range of 0-180 degrees. We also have angle machining heads that can machine the five faces of a processed part, providing machining, drilling, and tapping, even at extreme tolerances.
  • CNC Fabrication for Short Parts – Our team utilizes a high-speed Fanuc Robo Drill unit to fabricate parts between one-quarter of an inch on up to 27-inches in length. A three-axis system allows machining of parts to extremely tight tolerances with consistency, accuracy, and repeatability to meet or exceed industry requirements.
  • Punching, Precision Sawing, and Mitering – Some of the other services offered in our in-house aluminum fabrication shops include pneumatic and hydraulic punches for low or high-volume jobs, precision sawing with our B&O state-of-the-art precision saws for pieces ranging from one-quarter of an inch on up to 240-inches in length, and mitering with a range of 22.5 degrees to 135 degrees for parts up to 19-feet, 8-inches.

Professional Fabrication Operations

As a standard part of the process, we provide de-burring to ensure quality control for every product we produce for our customers. After using our standard or custom extrusion dies, along with professional fabrication services to create custom aluminum extrusions, our aluminum fabrication shops also perform a variety of de-burring techniques. Depending on the part or the needs of the client, we might use vibratory or tumble de-burring. Each method provides quality results using media moving inside of an encasement. With vibratory de-burring, we use a big vibrating, fully-automated tumbler encasement with porcelain media. This is an excellent method for high-volume jobs. We also use tumble de-burring, which tumbles the pieces 360-degrees in a rotating tumbler drum continuously until all of the burrs are removed from the parts without scratching or damaging the materials.

In addition, other fabrication services are also available to better serve the aluminum extrusion industry. Heli-coiling is one of the techniques that we offer to our clients to create heli-coil inserts that are precision formed to create a permanent conventional screw thread. This method offers a stronger, more reliable result to eliminate common issues, such as seizing, corroding, rusting, or wearing out over time. Depending on the industry and the environment in which the custom aluminum extrusions would be used, this can be an extremely beneficial technique. One industry that relies on heli-coiling frequently is the airline or aerospace industry. They use it for everything from airline tray tables, which require a spring motion, to equipment construction for quality results.

Learn More About Fabrication Services

If you are interested in finding out more about the wide range of services available through our on-site aluminum fabrication shops at Silver City Aluminum, give us a call at 508-824-8631. We can help you place an order for standard or custom aluminum extrusions, based on your unique specifications or industry requirements. Choose from a wide range of standard profiles or create your own custom extrusion dies to meet your demands. Call today for a FREE estimate for any of the services that we offer at our Southcoast facility.