Sustainability: Custom Extruded Aluminum and the Environment

sustainable aluminum extrusionsMany industries and individual manufacturers are doing everything that can to reduce their impact on the environment. There are many ways to increase the sustainability of manufacturing, whether for general consumer goods or industrial development. Extruded aluminum is one of the ways that manufacturers are reducing their impact. Extrusion solutions for automobile industry, marine industry, and construction are just some of the methods at the forefront of this movement that have gained significant momentum in recent years. Traditional aluminum frames can be used for everything from residential and commercial construction to renovation work, providing top quality results that are more in line with today’s quest for sustainability. Learning how to prevent corrosion through design and decrease material waste are just some of the ways that Silver City Aluminum helps our clients to achieve their goals.

Why Custom Extruded Aluminum is Beneficial

There are so many advantages to choosing extruded aluminum for your industry solutions. Aluminum has the unique ability to be recycled over and over again without losing any of its inherent properties. These properties are part of what makes aluminum extrusion solutions for automobile industry, aerospace industry, and consumer product design so attractive. The infinite recyclability, high strength-to-weight ratio, natural resistance to corrosion, affordability, and malleability make it the perfect choice for many industries. Working with an experienced and reputable manufacturer can help businesses to further take advantage of these qualities and even prevent corrosion through design while reducing overhead costs at the same time.

Many extrusion manufacturers choose to use stock that includes a high level of recycled content. Combined with various metals to create distinct alloys that are designed to deliver a particular benefit, it is possible to even further reduce the environmental impact of these products. Quality manufacturing, adherence to sustainability guidelines, and a commitment to working with each client to create extrusions that will best suit their needs are just some of the advantages of working with Silver City Aluminum. Extrusion solutions for automobile industry purposes include reducing the weight of the vehicles to boost fuel economy while maintaining high standards of safety and durability for long-lasting benefits.

Positive Sustainability Advantages

Custom extruded aluminum has many benefits compared to other materials that are sometimes used for the same purpose. The positive sustainability of traditional aluminum frames and custom extrusion parts includes its ability to be recycled, the industrial use of recycled content, and the ability to create more efficient products that can replace heavier alternatives that negatively impact the environment. The high strength and low weight of extruded aluminum have significant benefits, reducing the mass that must be moved to improve fuel economy and efficiency across the board. This is true whether we are talking about consumer automobiles, industrial trucking, marine transportation, or military aeronautics.

In addition to reducing fuel consumption, these extrusion solutions for automobile industry, military and defense, or industrial machinery, also lead to the reduction of carbon emissions and fossil fuels to further benefit our environment. The transportation of people, goods, and services is responsible for a majority of greenhouse gas production in our nation and around the globe. The use of custom extruded aluminum has been able to help reduce this impact and provide substantial gains in fuel efficiency for cars, trucks, airplanes, buses, trains, and off-road equipment. Studies show that for each pound of aluminum that is used to replace steel in transportation vehicles, approximately 3.1 gallons of crude oil can be saved over the life of the vehicle. When recycled aluminum is used, carbon emissions are reduced considerably from day one.

Other Ways to Use Extruded Aluminum

While transportation industry projects are significant when it comes to sustainability, it is also possible to make a positive impact within other industries as well. Taking the lessons learned from extrusion solutions for automobile industry and transportation and translating them to meet other industry needs, manufacturers can create traditional aluminum frames, products, parts, and components to be more efficient. Learning how to prevent corrosion through design can also help parts and products to last longer, increasing their value while reducing the need for a replacement to boost sustainability. Every major industry can benefit from the use of custom aluminum extrusion to help them achieve their efficiency goals.

To learn more about Silver City Aluminum or to start working with one of our highly trained and experienced engineers to create your standard or custom extruded aluminum order right away, give us a call at 508-824-8631. We can answer any questions that you might have or provide you with pricing for all of your custom aluminum extrusion needs.