Beneficial Qualities of Custom Aluminum Extrusion for Industry

Qualities of Aluminum Extrusion ProductsIf the fact that aluminum is the third most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust isn’t enough to get your attention, what about the versatility of this fantastic material? When you compare aluminum to other metals, no other can even come close to the variety of ways that it can be used. While some uses are not as obvious as others, aluminum is all around us. The benefits of aluminum products make it very attractive to many different industries. Custom aluminum extrusion takes this metal to the next level, providing a broad range of aluminum industry solutions that take advantage of all its inherent qualities.

One stop shop fabrication through a quality extrusion company like Silver City Aluminum provides even more benefits. Our team of highly trained and experienced engineers and technicians can help you use aluminum in many different ways. Cost-savings, earth-friendly features, and even the ability to further prevent corrosion through design are just some of the advantages of custom aluminum extrusion. The more you learn about aluminum, the more ways that you will see how it can be used within your industry. There are just so many benefits associated with using this versatile material – no wonder it’s so popular!

Top 10 Reasons to Choose Aluminum

When it comes time to select the material that will be used in the manufacture of your products, parts, or components, it pays to do your homework. While there are many reasons why aluminum is the top choice for industrial manufacturers and consumers alike, here is a quick top 10 list to get you started:

  • light in weight – about a third lighter than steel making it cheaper to transport
  • strong – much stronger than most people realize, aluminum becomes even stronger during the extrusion process to increase the already high strength-to-weight ratio
  • corrosion resistant – a natural layer of protection forms to prevent rust and other types of corrosion from occurring
  • durable – aluminum industry solutions are durable, reliable, and long-lasting
  • ductile – the raw aluminum material can be extruded into very thin wire
  • malleable – much easier to shape than other metals, which is why aluminum is the metal of choice for standard and custom extrusion
  • recyclable – 100 percent recyclable without losing its qualities, reducing energy consumption for manufacture of new products
  • conductor of heat – excellent for heat sinks and other applications where heat conduction is essential
  • conductor of electricity – twice as good a conductor as copper, used commonly in major power transmission lines
  • reflective – great reflector of visible light and heat

Common Uses of Aluminum Extrusion

While we see aluminum every day in things like aluminum cans that are used for food and beverages, there are many other uses for aluminum. Engineers work with designers to prevent corrosion through design and aluminum industry solutions are used to make marked improvements across the board. One stop shop fabrication works to increase quality control, reduce lead time, and provide our clients with the best possible results. We work with many different industries, helping them to take advantage of the benefits of aluminum products and make a difference in the world.

  • TRANSPORTATION – Aluminum has made a huge impact on the transportation industry, which includes not just trucks and passenger buses, but also consumer vehicles. The unbeatable strength-to-weight ratio of aluminum helps to create strong and durable parts, components, and products, while reducing the overall weight of the vehicle. This helps to increase fuel efficiency and an even allow trucks to haul greater weights to reduce the number of trips required to transport goods. High-speed trains and modern aircraft also rely heavily on aluminum alloys to reduce weight and increase fuel economy. Even the space shuttles contain a large majority of extruded aluminum and aluminum materials in their makeup.
  • CONSTRUCTION – Architects appreciate the advantages that come from using aluminum in their design, such as thermal efficiency, aesthetic values, and reduced maintenance due to natural corrosion resistance. Custom aluminum extrusion allows construction materials to be shaped, curved, and welded to any desired shape. Experienced engineers can help to further prevent corrosion through design and the use of finishing solutions, such as anodizing, help to increase protection. The high strength of aluminum helps designers to create buildings that would not be able to be made from other materials, including plastic or steel. Aluminum makes it easier, faster, and more convenient to build even large buildings. The Empire State Building, which was built in 1931, was the first building to widely use aluminum instead of steel, vastly reducing the weight of the structure, while maintaining strength and durability.
  • MARINE – Professional and consumer marine products rely heavily on the benefits of aluminum products. Similar to the transportation industry, the marine industry appreciates the benefits of the high strength-to-weight ratio of aluminum. The anti-corrosive nature of aluminum alloys are also very beneficial. Aluminum industry solutions for the marine industry can vary greatly, depending on if they are used for private or commercial vessels, docks, and other essential products.

Contact Silver City Aluminum

To learn more about our one stop shop fabrication solution for standard and custom aluminum extrusion, give us a call at 508-824-8631. Our team of highly trained and experienced engineers and technicians can help you design custom profiles or take advantage of the natural benefits of aluminum products for your industry. Visit our website to use our online contact/order form to start creating aluminum industry solutions for your business today.