Choose Aluminum Products for a Great Return on Investment

Businesses that are looking to get a solid return on their investment (ROI) into manufacturing materials need to look a the advantages of using aluminum. Embraced across multiple industries due to its natural corrosion resistance and high strength-to-weight ratio, there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to the aluminum extrusion industry. Engineers can design and extrude aluminum alloys in custom shapes and sizes, replacing heavier and less durable steel parts and components, to increase fuel efficiency and create an all-around better product.

Stronger, More Cost-Effective Parts
One way to boost your ROI is to look at new techniques and advancements made in the aluminum extrusion industry that has enabled engineers to create parts that are stronger and more cost-effective. When it comes to creating shapes and designs with aluminum extrusion, there is absolutely no limit as to what you are able to create when you extrude aluminum alloys. Custom made shapes can be used over and over again, increasing the value of the original profile design and reducing the cost to make each subsequential part or component.

In some cases, the savings are even greater, as multiple parts can be redesigned into a single, stronger and better part, eliminating traditional joining processes, which can ultimately weaken the component as a whole. Working directly with experienced designers and engineers at a reputable aluminum extrusion industry facility, such as Silver City Aluminum, can give you a clear advantage over manufacturers who stick strictly to stock or standard profiles. It isn’t until you start learning about how to create better designs to take advantage of corrosion resistance or that high strength-to-weight ratio, that you really understand the true advantages of using aluminum.

Aluminum Alloys: A Primer
Having a basic knowledge of the various aluminum alloys that are typically used in aluminum extrusion manufacturing is beneficial. When you extrude aluminum alloys that have specific properties, you can increase certain benefits or capitalize on other strengths. Many manufacturers have made costly mistakes by choosing the wrong alloy for extrusion, only to discover that it can’t be made into intricate shapes as well as other alloys. For that purpose, Silver City Aluminum utilizes three primary alloys in the 6000 series, including 6005, 6063, and 6463, to ensure the best results.

Nearly all extrusions are made from the 6000 series, as they do not harden too quickly, making them more malleable and easier to extrude into the desired shape. This also makes products created with the 6000 series more cost-effective, as they do not require any additional effort to manufacture them properly. The secondary mineral or compound that is added to the aluminum should not be considered as the primary basis for the strength or hardness of the finished product. In fact, depending on the alloy, the aluminum can be strengthened or hardened even more through the use of cool or heat treatments known as tempering.

The True Value of Aluminum Products
After all the work of extrusion and fabrication is said and done, the true value of creating custom aluminum parts and components is found in the properties of the metal itself. The aluminum extrusion industry has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, as more and more industries embrace this technology and seek to reap the benefits associated with the advantages of using aluminum. Choosing to design your own profiles and extrude aluminum alloys based on the specific requirements and needs of the project, can help to further customize the results.

Additional value is found in the durability, strength, and long-lasting properties of aluminum. Natural corrosion resistance makes aluminum a great choice for many marine applications, as well as in environments where corrosion of other metals has been a problem. Investing in aluminum products and design is more cost-effective due to the affordability of the materials, the reduction of secondary operations that can be eliminated due to engineered design, and the durability of aluminum over time.

Contact Silver City Aluminum
If you would like to get an estimate on the cost for developing a custom profile for your part or component, you can contact our customer service agents at 508-824-8631. Our designers and engineers can help you every step of the way, helping you to maximize the potential of your design. To learn more about the advantages of using aluminum, check out our informational blog or review our FAQ page on our website.