One of the best metals that you can choose in manufacturing today, either for commercial, industrial or even consumer use, is aluminum. There are so many benefits to choosing this metal over other options, such as steel and titanium, that it has become the top choice for parts, products and much more. Aluminum industry solutions can be quickly and easily made into a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Complex shapes can be easily created through the design of custom aluminum dies.
While there are many advantages to aluminum, including its natural anti-corrosive properties and unlimited ability to be recycled, the malleable nature of aluminum is perhaps one of it’s biggest benefits to manufacturers. Custom aluminum extrusion is a very cost-effective method of creating parts and products because many of the secondary processes that would be required to create specific designs can be eliminated through the use of the custom extrusion dies. In addition, the inherent properties of aluminum can be enhanced through knowledge of the material to further prevent corrosion through design for long-lasting results.
Secondary Operations for Aluminum Industry Solutions
However, just because many of the secondary operations, such as joining pieces together, can be eliminated or reduced with custom aluminum extrusion, it does not mean that they aren’t still used to further enhance the part or product. In fact, secondary operations on extruded aluminum industry solutions are often easier than with other metals because the process that is used allows designers to create shapes that include only the pieces that are required. What that means is that less excess material will need to be machined away during the secondary operations process, reducing lead time and overall cost for production.
Designers of custom extrusion dies can include techniques that will further enhance the abilities, strengths and benefits of the finished product. A basic understanding of how aluminum works and reacts to its surrounding environment, enables designers to actually prevent corrosion through design, eliminating crevices and areas where water or moisture could collect and do damage. Working with a reliable company, such as the reputable Silver City Aluminum in Taunton, MA, can take the success of the design as step further. The quality of the material, the experience of the technician, the ability of the machinery and equipment – it all adds up when it comes to custom aluminum extrusion.
Why Choose Aluminum Extrusion
In addition to all of the reasons that we have already cited, it is important to learn a little big about custom aluminum extrusion, in order to understand why it is such a smart choice. Extrusion is a very cost-effective way for designers and manufacturers to create parts that can be used in aluminum industry solutions to benefit people in many different ways. The versatility of the material and the method used with the uniquely designed custom extrusion dies, allows designers to create solid, hollow and combination shapes that can be used for a particular purpose with a greater utility and economy, especially when compared to other metals and methods of manufacturing.
A Cost Effective Solution
One of the top reasons why today’s manufacturers are choosing custom aluminum extrusion over other methods of production is cost. When comparing aluminum formation, a cost analysis shows that extrusion costs about the same as using a coiled sheet. However, after all of the manipulations that are required to get the sheet to have the same properties that are found in an extrusion, such as getting the sheet cut to a narrow width, cutting the desired sizes, forming the part, etc. the cost goes up exponentially for the coiled sheet. Extruded parts also have another advantage, because of the way that they are shaped, they are typically stronger and weigh less than other methods of design.
Standard extrusion dies are also available for clients who just want a simple rod, pipe or angle, but for customers who want a little something more, there is no end in sight as to what can ultimately be designed. Custom aluminum extrusion is used to create aluminum industry solutions that are very specific in shape and size or that prevent corrosion through design for even long-lasting, durable and great-looking products. Because manufacturers can create unique shapes for each application through the design of custom extrusion dies, they can eliminate extra steps, such as secondary joining processes, which can add to the cost for each piece that is produced.
Contact Silver City Aluminum for Custom Aluminum Extrusion
If you want to learn more about designing your own custom extrusion dies or other essential aluminum industry solutions, contact the team of experienced and knowledgeable designers and technicians at Silver City Aluminum. We can help you walk through the steps required to create your own unique dies for custom aluminum extrusion, show you how you can use standard extrusions and even provide you with tips that will help you prevent corrosion through design. Call today at 508-824-8631 to get a quote or to place an order.