One Stop Shop Fabrication Beneficial for Aluminum Extrusion

one-stop-shopIf your business works with aluminum fabrication shops to create custom or standard aluminum extrusions, you know how important it is to get a quality product with a short lead time. Unfortunately, when it comes to adding finishes, such as painting aluminum products or custom aluminum coating solutions, your lead time will usually increase. Most shops will send out your pieces after they have created the extruded aluminum profiles to other shops that take care of secondary operations, fabrication or finishing. This increases your wait time as the pieces get shipped from service to service until the product is finally shipped off to you and your order is completed.

One stop shop fabrication, extrusion and finishing is available through Silver City Aluminum. Because we do everything in-house under the watchful eyes of our trained and experienced technicians, your custom aluminum extrusion order can be ready in nearly half the time compared to other aluminum fabrication shops. While the other guys can take anywhere between 30-45 days to complete a typical order, Silver Cty Aluminum has the unique ability to complete your order in just 3-4 weeks. This is our standard lead time for all customers, whether they are in Southeastern Massachusetts, New England or anywhere nationwide and around the globe.

Better Products. Happy Customers.
Reducing the lead time required to engineer, extrude, fabricate and finish your order is just part of the advantage to one stop shop fabrication. Imagine if you were to order a cheeseburger from a local restaurant. If each part of the process had to be done by a different worker – from grilling the meat to putting on the toppings to wrapping the burger and putting it in a bag – not only would it take more time to complete your order, but you would also have issues with consistency. Maybe the guy grilling the meat does a better job than the guy who puts on the toppings. Can you hold the guy who puts the burger in the bag responsible for the shoddy work done by the toppings guy?

When you work with a company that provides one stop shop fabrication throughout the entire process, you gain a huge advantage in quality, accountability and you will be able to see it in the final product. At Silver City Aluminum, you work directly with our staff to create your custom or standard aluminum extrusion order, from the design, engineering and extrusion of the aluminum profiles, as well as any secondary operations and finishing services. Anything you need, including custom aluminum coating solutions, assembly of parts or even anodizing and painting aluminum products, it is all done under one roof at our Taunton, MA facility.

CNC Fabrication Available at Silver City Aluminum
Producing top quality custom aluminum extrusions for our customers is only part of what we do at Silver City Aluminum. We also provide a wide variety of CNC fabrication services on our high speed Emmegi CNC machines, Fanuc robo drill, precision saws and mitering saws.

  • LONG PART FABRICATION – Our technicians can fabricate extrusions up to 30 feet in length with a 4+1 controlled axis. The fourth axis allows control of the spindle in the range of 0-180 degrees, providing professional results. Our technicians also utilize angle machining heads that can help to machine the five faces of a processed part. We can also machine, drill and tap long parts with these high speed units at extremely tight tolerances to exceed industry standards – and your expectations.
  • SHORT PART FABRICATION – Silver City Aluminum also does short part fabrication, working with smaller pieces that range anywhere between a quarter of an inch on up to 27-inches in length. We utilize our high speed Fanuc robo drill units to work with these shorter parts. They utilize a 3-axis system that can machine parts at amazingly tight tolerances and provide consistent results.
  • PUNCHING – Our team has mastered the art of creating custom hydraulic and pneumatic punches, giving us the ability to create custom punches for both low and high volume jobs. Because we provide all of these services in our one stop shop fabrication facility, we can guarantee the highest standards with regard to consistency and quality beyond the industry standard adhered to at other aluminum fabrication shops.
  • PRECISION SAWING & MITERING – Our team utilizes two B&O state-of-the-art precision saws to finish cut our custom aluminum extrusions. They can hold extremely tight tolerances for both long and short pieces, ranging between a quarter of an inch to 240 inches in length. Our miter range is between 22.5 degrees and 135 degrees, and we are able to work with lengths between 13.75 inches on up to 19 feet, 8 inches.

Take Advantage of One Stop Shop Fabrication
Our clients have been taking advantage of all of the benefits associated with our custom aluminum extrusions, secondary operations and finishing services being all under one roof at our one stop shop fabrication facility. This has helped them to gain a competitive edge over their competitors by being able to cut lead times nearly in half, while still providing a superior product. Our approach to working with each client is unique in the industry as well, a we prefer to be involved as much as possible throughout the entire process, from order to deliver. This helps us to guarantee the quality of our services and helps our customers to realize their potential to provide a competitive product in a growing market.

To find out more about all of our services, including custom aluminum coating solutions, painting aluminum products, secondary fabrication services and even custom aluminum extrusion design and manufacturing, please contact us at our Taunton, MA location. Call us at 508-824-8631 or use our online contact form to place an order. Our team is proud to provide top quality services to each and every client at our one stop shop fabrication facility in Southeastern Massachusetts.